The project which aims to increase the level of health in inhabitants of Bihor County through the promotion of swimming is known since last year, when Bihor County Council initiated talks with the larger city halls in regards to building swimming pools. The necessary finances for building didactic swimming pools in the 9 member cities of ADD Bihor will be ensured by Bihor County Council. The institution already has the feasibility studies which the construction will be based on at hand. According to data released by the Bihor County Council press office, there have been two versions of the project: swimming pool with all the necessary facilities worth up to 760.659 EUR + VAT or a didactic swimming pool and a pool for children with all the facilities worth 953.432 EUR + VAT. The city halls in Salonta, Beius, Valea lui Mihai, Sacueni and Marghita have announced that they are choosing the 2 swimming pool option. The leadership of the city of Stei has yet to make a decision. The leaders of Alesd, Vascau and Nucet have chosen the option with only 1 swimming pool. Bihor County will fully cover only the first (simple) option in the case of the swimming pools while the city halls will contribute the remainder of the sum in case they choose the second option. President Pasztor Sandor estimates that this year construction will be started in at least two municipalities.